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The technology linking skills-based learning and training to employment

Our vision is an equitable distribution of talent in a skills-based economy shaped by the digital revolution. We aim to help Chicago's youth prepare for a changing landscape by starting with career-readiness skill development in High School

We are a multisided platform connecting high school and college aged youth, nonprofit and job training programs, and private sector opportunities. Since youth are learners, we help build 21st skills through a centralized hub of certified learning experiences in career skill development. We curate digital credentials based on a user's past experiences, trending skills from open job descriptions, high touch curriculum from Chicago's nonprofit community, and recommendations from employers. A space for skill tracking combined with credentials recommended before, during, and after the internship or summer job allow for the both employee and employer to make the most of the opportunity.


Digital creditionals

A curation of IMS Global verified badges and certificates in career readiness and technical skills recommended by employers from our hub and what our market analysis algorithm has identified as trending 


An opportunity board that contains both private sector jobs and nonprofit summer and afterschool programs with a new skills-based approach tailored to youth


1. Employers can engage with youth and/or nonprofits serving youth before, during, and after the the internship by recommending incentive-based digital creditials from our hub, such as attendance, technical skill development, and more

2. Employees identify & track skills from high touch curriculum in our platform


Learn what badges peers are completing; allow for continued contact with employers post program completion

Technology with a social mission for Chicago...

Early onset career skill development

By educating & training youth in Chicago's communities with in-demand skills in high yield internships we can help prepare youth for access into rewarding occupations

Skills-based Learning

Close the skills gap: 71% of corporate recruiters indicated they cannot find applicants with sufficient practical experience. Employers are also noticing a gab between high school and college education and skills needed for employment. Employers can start training our youth before they enter the full-time workforce


Build skills at any time and at any place online


Reduce hiring bias through digital credentialing

See how Credly helps IBM create a diverse, inclusive workforce with badges


Expand pipeline of diverse talent in STEM

Minorities and women are underrepresented in tech. Our platform combines the larger ecosystem of online resources and opportunity, as well as a network of social support, to ensure our talented youth are able to access such opportunity

University of Chicago's Booth School of Business Social New Venture Challenge Semifinalist 

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